Management Structure for Challenges in Creating New Industries and Fields
TUAT is currently pursuing education and research with the following four strategies for strengthening its functions to realize the President’s Vision: “Toward a research university recognized around the world – fulfilling our role as Japan’s leading university in the world.
① Strengthen our cutting-edge research capabilities to compete with the world’s leading universities.
② Promote education and research with the ability to interact with the international community,
③ Drive Japanese industry toward international society,
④ Nurture advanced innovation leaders
The Institute of Global Innovation Research is collaborating on ① and ②, the Deep Tech Industry Development Organization and University Research Administration Center (URAC) on ③, and the FLOuRISH Institute on ④
The Institute of Global Innovation has designated the three fields of food, energy, and life science as priority research fields by the world’s top researchers, formed strategic research teams in each field, invited and hired foreign faculty members from top overseas universities, and conducted international joint research to produce outstanding international co-authored papers. The Deep Tech Industrial Development Organization aims to support the commercialization of research seeds into business concepts for the creation of innovations. The URAC aims to support the University’s academic research, promote joint research and other activities, and protect and utilize intellectual property. The FLOuRISH Institute is the predecessor of the Organization for the Promotion of Innovation, and its purpose is to foster innovative human resources with practical skills who can create and propose new value to the international community and establish that value in society. In the past, the WISE Program has collaborated in the form of co-sponsoring the Business Pitch Contest organized by the FLOuRISH Institute.
In managing the TUAT WISE Program, we have established the “Excellence Leader Development Organization” as a cross-organizational structure and an external evaluation committee to establish a PDCA cycle and a system for validation and improvement. In addition, a consortium for the creation of new industries has been organized with the participation of domestic and overseas partner institutions to create a system for taking on the challenge of creating new industries and fields.