Mr. Rozaqqa Noviandi will organize “TUAT-WISE International Online Workshop on Experimental Geomorphic Processes (EXORCESS 2022): Innovation to tackle scaling issues in experimental studies” will be held on March 2, 2022.

Mr. Rozaqqa Noviandi (2nd year student, D2, United Graduate School of Agricultural Science) will hold an online workshop on geomorphic hazards research as part of a proposal-based project.

He will invite experts to share their views on scaling during experiments, which is an issue in research on disasters caused by changes in topography (landslides, debris flows, soil erosion, etc.).

If you are interested in this event, please refer to the following website or flyer, and register and attend (advance registration required).



Time and Date: 9:00-15:00, Wednesday, March 2, 2022,

Method: Zoom

Language: English

Guest Speakers: 10

Special website:
