Diversity Seminar Organized by the WISE Program
The Organization for WISE Program will hold the following and attached diversity seminar in cooperation with the Women’s Future Development Organization, TUAT.
The seminar is available in both English and Japanese.
Please register and join us.
■Date: Wednesday, December 21, 2022, 15:00-16:30
■Venue (hybrid)
Face-to-face: Multipurpose Room, 1st floor, Bldg. 2, Fuchu Campus
Online: Registered participants will be notified the zoom link by e-mail.
Ms. Kazuko Motoki (ODCatalyst Representative)
She has a great deal of training experience, including consulting for companies seeking to utilize diverse human resources, including women. Based on her experience of continuing to work as a full-time employee while dealing with changes such as marriage, childbirth, and spouse’s overseas transfer, in this seminar, she will talk about tips on work-life balance and career design.
Japanese and English (mixed)
* Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
* If you prefer to listen to only one of the languages, you will be able to listen to via Zoom’s interpretation channel. If you wish to attend at the venue, please bring your own earphones and device.
■Registration Form
Deadline for registration: December 16 (Fri.), noon
■Organizers, etc.
- Organizer: Organization for WISE Program
- Co-organizer: Women’s Future Development Organization, TUAT
- Cooperation: National Diversity Network “Tokyo Block
Organization for WISE Program
TEL: 042-367-5618
E-mail: tuat-wise@m2.tuat.ac.jp