Mr. SATO Issei, WISE Program student, won the “Best Presentation Award” at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Tropical Ecology

Mr. SATO Issei, a first-year doctoral course student (supervised by Professor KAYO Chihiro) in the Department of Symbiotic Science of Environment and Natural Resources, United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, has been awarded “Best Presentation Award” at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Tropical Ecology on June 26, 2023.
Congratulations, Sato san!

Theme: “Comparative Study on the Use of Oil Palm Empty Fruits Bunch in Indonesia and its Utilization as Biomass Fuel for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in Japan”.

Content: In this study, we verified how to utilize oil palm empty fruits bunch generated in palm oil production in Indonesia to contribute to the mitigation of global warming. The results showed that if appropriate efforts are made to reduce emissions, importing palm oil empty fruits bunch to Japan and using it as fuel for power generation would be effective for greenhouse gas reduction.

Date of Award: June 26, 2023

Academic Conference: The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Tropical Ecology (JASTE 33, Kochi)

Award page
Conference website

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